What I Know For Sure-26th Edition
1. The new Village People commercial for pistachios is ridiculous. They spell out CRACK. I saw it and wondered why that ad man wasn't fired. That's what we want all our kids doing... dancing and spelling out crack with their arms. What's next Meth? Total fail.
2. The Green Mountain pumpkin spice flavored K cups are the bomb dickery.
3. The candy corn and peanut combo is not allowed in my house this fall because it would become the candy corn and peanut cleanse. I am weak and my gut is now a light weight to sugar.
4. The holiday grapes(large red globe -Cerise from California) are my new candy corn. They are candtastic. They are probably sold out at the store. Follow me home. I'll hook ya up.
5. Caroline calls Cliff, "Chiff" which led Abbie to calling him "Chiffarobe". Kinda seems appropriate since he is the size of a small chiffarobe.
6. I have been trying to read a book for over a month. Every time I get going, I fall asleep. It is why I am a TV head. They make DVR's for that.
7. My washer died. My laptop died. I am waiting for the other shoe to
8. I realized I now need jeans with a flap on the pocket. I do tons of squats/lunges per week but I look like I have stood a bit to close to the fire and melted my arse. But, (shameless pun) my milkshake still brings one boy to the yard.
9. After living 30+ years just a few miles from a state forest I have decided to hike there.
10. Taking the Coopkeeper to hike on a unfamiliar trail just an hour before dusk without a cell phone or a note at home explaining where you are isn't the smartest thing to do. It encourages running, cursing and praying to get out before dark.
11. Caroline and I have watched The Chipmunks Meet The Wolfman close to 754 times. She knows the lyrics and the choreography to the songs. I catch myself singing the songs when she is not around. I curse Netflix and my too-low-of-an-octive -to- do-the-Chipmunks-justice voice.
12. Maggie's salon did a cut-a-thon for the Angel Tree a couple of weeks ago. Annie and I donned elf hats. I insisted on playing Christmas tunes. I have been listening to Christmas music for a week before it and every since. Sadly, I am not still wearing the hat.
13. I am an Instagram junkie. You can follow me @janiefox if ya want. I do more liking than posting.
14. Adam Levine was my boyfriend but I have deserted him for Richard Rawlings of Fast and Loud. It is a garage show...but trust me on this one. Man Pretty on the left. You're welcome.
15. My blog header needs a photo revamp. I am waiting for all my picture files to be restored by my Carbonite then I fully intend to change it up. Or I may watch The Voice and do nothing.
16. My main desire with the man residing in the White House after the election is that the man has the Spirit of God residing in him.
17. I am in love with the new show Nashville and I am not really a country music fan. However, I am a fan about TV country music.
18. When I am not listening to Christmas tunes this is one of my faves. It still makes me wanna dance.
19. Remember the bra quandry. I got fitted for a new bra by a professional. Well, someone who professed to work at the store. I got 3. Every time I lift my arms the bra rises up over my breastuses. I am thinking the bra fitter could get a job as an ad man for pistaschios. I heard they are looking for
20. I added a signature to my email so if you get one unsigned, no subject matter and it is a link...it is a hack.
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